3. – Nation and Nationalism: Regional Studies




Last Updated: December 2005

Bibliographies List



AUGUSTINOS, Gerasimos (ed.) – The National Idea in Eastern Europe: The Politics of Ethnic and Civic Community , Lexington , D.C. Health, 1996

BRUBAKER, Roger – Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and National Question in the New Europe , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1996

GLENNY, Misha – The Balkans, 1804-1999: National­ism, War and the Great Powers , London , Granta Books, 1999

GODSEY, William D. – Nobles and Nation in Central Europe , New York , Cambridge University Press, 2004

HROCH, Miroslav – Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups among the Smaller European Nations , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1985 [ 1968 ]

* __________ – «From National Movement to the Fully-Formed Nation: the Nation-Build­ing Process in Europe» [ 1993 ] in G. Eley & R.G. Suny (eds.), Becoming National - A Reader , New York, Oxford University Press, 1996

JELAVICH, Charles & Barbara Jelavich – The Establishment of the Balkan National States, 1804-1920 , Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1977

* MAR-MOLINERO, Clare & Angel Smith (ed.) – Nationalism and the Nation in the Iberian Peninsula: Competing and Conflicting Identities , Oxford , Berg, 1996

MICHEL, Bernard – Nations et nationalisme en Europe centrale, XIX e -XX e siècles , Paris, Aubier, 1995

NIEDERHAUSER, Emil – The Rise of Nationality in Eastern Europe , Budapest , Corvina, 1982

OTTO, Dann – Nation und Nationalismus in Deutschland, 1770-1990 , München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 1994

PREECE, Jennifer Jackson – National Minorities and the European Nation-States System , Oxford , Oxford University Press, 1999

* PUHLE, Hans-Jürgen – «Nation States, Nations and Nationalisms in Western and Southern Europe» in J. G. Bera­mendi, X. M. Nuñez (eds.), Nationalism in Europe . Past and Present , Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de S. Compostela, 1994

ROKKAN, Stein – «Dimensions of State Formation and Nation-Building: a possible paradigm for research on variations within Europe» in Ch.Tilly (ed.), Formation of National States in Western Europe , Princeton , Princeton University Press, 1983 [1975]

ROSHWALD, Aviel – Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires: Central Europe, the Middle East and Russia , 1914-23 , London , Routledge, 2001

* SCHULZE, Hans – Staat und Nation in der Europäischen Geschichte , München, C. H. Beck Verlag, 1994 [Portuguese version: Estado e Nação na História da Europa , Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1997 ]

SPOHN, Willfried & Anna Triandafyllidou (eds.) – Europeanisation, National Identities and Migration. Changes in Boundary Constructions between Western and Eastern Europe , London , Routledge, 2002

* TÄGIL, Sven (ed.) – Ethnicity and Nation Building in the Nordic World , London , Hurst & Company, 1995

* TEICH, Mikulás & Roy Porter (eds.) – The National Question in Europe in Historical Context , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1996

TIMMERMANN, Heiner (ed.) – Nationalismus und Nationalbewegung in Europa, 1914-1945 , Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 1999



ANNINO, Antonio & François-Xavier Guerra (eds.) – Inventando la Nación. Iberoamérica Siglo XIX , México, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2003

ANNINO, Antonio, Luis Castro Leiva & François-Xavier Guerra (eds.) – De los Imperios a las Naciones: Iberoamérica , Zaragoza, Ibercaja, 1994

BETHELL, Leslie (ed.) – The Independence of Latin America , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1994 [1985]

DOMINGUEZ, Jorge I. – Insurrection or Loyalty: The Breakdown of the Spanish American Empire , Cambridge ( Mass. ), Harvard University Press, 1980

GUERRA, François-Xavier – Modernidad e Independencias. Ensayos sobre las Revoluciones Hispánicas , México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1992

GUERRA, François-Xavier (ed.) – Las Revoluciones Hispánicas: Independencias Americanas y Liberalismo Español , Madrid, Editorial Complutense, 1995

GUERRA, François-Xavier & Mónica Quijada – «Imaginar la Nación», Cuadernos de Historia Latino-Americana , 2, 1994

KAPLAN, Marcos – Formación del Estado Nacional en América Latina , Buenos Aires, Amorrortu Editores, 1985 [1969]

KÖNIG, Hans-Joachim – «Nacionalismo y nación en la historia de iberoamérica», Cuadernos de Historia Latinoamericana , 8, 2000

MALLON, Florencia – Peasant and Nation: The Making of the Postcolonial Mexico and Peru , Berkeley , University of California Press, 1995

WARREN, Kay B. & Jean E. Jackson (ed.) – Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation, and the State in Latin America , Austin, University of Texas Press, 2002

WHITAKER, Arthur & David Jordan – Nationalism in Contemporary Latin America , New York , The Free Press, 1996


C) RUSSIA / U.S.S.R / C.I.S:

BARKEY, Karen & Mark von Hagen (eds.) – After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building: The Soviet Union and the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg Empires , Boulder , Westview Press, 1997

BRUBAKER, Rogers – Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1996

D'ENCAUSSE, Helène Carrere – The End of Soviet Empire - The Triumph of Nations , New York , Basic Books, 1993

* KUZIO, Taras – «”Nationalising states” or nation-building? A critical review of the theoretical literature and empirical evidence», Nations and Nationalism , 7 (2), 2001

LAITIN, David D. – Identity in Formation: The Russian-Speaking Populations in the Near Abroad , New York , Cornell University Press, 1998

ROSHWALD, Aviel – Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires: Central Europe, the Middle East and Russia , 1914-23 , London , Routledge, 2001

SMITH, G. et all. – National-building in the Post-Soviet Borderlands , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1998

SUNY, Ronald Grigor – The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union , Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1993

SZPORLUK, Roman – «Nationalism after communism: reflections on Russia , Ukraine , Belarus , and Poland », Nations and Nationalism , 4 (3), 1998



BARKEY, Karen & Mark von Hagen (eds.) – After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building: The Soviet Union and the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg Empires , Boulder , Westview Press, 1997

BENSAID, Said – «Al-Watan and Al-Umma in Contemporary Arab Use» in Ghassan SALAMÉ (ed.), Foundations of the Arab State , London , Croom Helm, 1987

DAWN, C. Ernest (ed.) – From Ottomanism to Arabism: Essays on the Origins of Arab Nationalism , Urbana , University of Illinois Press, 1973

JANKOWSKI, James & Israel Gershoni (eds.) – Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East , New York , Columbia University Press, 1997

KHALIDI, Rashid, L. Anderson & R.S. Simon (eds.) – The Origins of Arab Nationalism , New York, Columbia University Press, 1991

ROSHWALD, Aviel – Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires: Central Europe, the Middle East and Russia , 1914-23 , London , Routledge, 2001

SALAMÉ, Ghassan (ed.) – The Foundations of the Arab State , London , Croom Helm, 1987

* SALAMÉ, Ghassan – «Le nationalisme arabe: mort ou mutation?» in Jacques Rupnik (ed.), Le Déchirement des nations , Paris, Seuil, 1995

TIBI, Bassam – Arab Nationalism. A Critical Enquiry , New York , St. Martin 's Press, 1971

ÜLKER, Erol – «Contextualising “Turkification”: nation-building in the late Ottoman Empire, 1908-18», Nations and Nationalism , 11 (4), 2005



AHMED, Ishtiaq – State, Nation, and Ethnicity in Contemporary South Asia , London , Pinter, 1996

BANUAZIZI, Ali & Myron Weiner (eds.) – The State, Religion and Ethnic Politics: Afghanistan , Iran and Pakistan , Syracuse (N.Y.), Syracuse University Press, 1986

EMERSON, Rupert – From Empire to Nation: The Rise and Self-Assertion of Asian and African People , Cambridge ( Mass. ), Harvard University of Press , 1960

FREY, Marc, Ronald W. Pruessen & Tai Yong Tan (eds.) – The Transformation of Southeast Asia: International Perspectives on Decolonization , New York - London, M.E. Sharpe, 2003

LEIFER, Michael (ed.) – Asian Nationalism , London , Routledge, 2000

SHARMA, S. L. & T. K. Oommen (eds.) – Nation and National Identity in South Asia , New Delhi , Orient Longman, 2000

THOMAS, Raju G.C. – «The “Nationalities“ Question in South Asia» in Amita Shastri, A.J. Wilson (eds.), The Post Colonial States of South Asia , London, Curzon Press, 2001

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* DAVIDSON, Basil – The Black's Man Burden: Africa and the curse of the nation-state , New York, Times Books, 1992 [Portuguese version: O Fardo do Homem Negro: Os Efeitos do Estado-nação em África , Porto, Campo das Letras, 2000 ]

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* NEUBERGER, Benyamin – National Self-Determination in Postcolonial Africa , Boulder , Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996

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* SU, Aaron – Nationalism and Nation Building in Africa , Basileia, Publications Basel , 1992

WELLIVER, Timothy K. (ed.) – African Nationalism and Independence , New York , Garland Pub., 1993

YOUNG, Crawford – «Ethnicity and the colonial and postcolonial state in Africa» in Paul Brass (ed.), Ethnic Groups and the State , London , Croom Helm, 1985

* __________ – «Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Class in Africa : A Retrospective», Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines , 103, XXVI, 1986

__________ – The African Colonial State in Comparative Perspective , New Haven , Yale University Press, 1994




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